Kwazulu-Natal Committee

Convert the Dirt (Pty) Ltd

Nathalie is a soil and compost enthusiast dedicated to helping farmers and waste management companies create high-quality compost. Her focus is on closing the loop and promoting sustainable practices to reduce reliance on synthetic fertilizers and improve soil health. She runs a certified laboratory under the Soil Food Web school and facilitates programs for both remote and in person training.

Dolphin Coast Landfill Management (DCLM) - Veolia

Dr Vashen Moodley completed a PhD in Inorganic and Materials Chemistry at UKZN in 2017. Since completing his PhD, he was awarded a Post-Doctoral Fellowship at UKZN, working on new electrode materials for water remediation. This allowed him to establish a collaborative partnership with a research team at MIT School of Chemical Engineering (2018 - 2020). This was followed by a Research position at DUT engaging in developing Biodegradable Hydrogels for SAP replacement in AHP materials.


He has been in his current position since May of 2022 as a Research Chemist and Senior Lab technician at DCLM, operated by Veolia laboratory division. This position entails the research-driven valorization of industrial and commercial waste streams. This entails finding suitable compliant alternatives to current waste streams and engaging with recycling partners. This also entails conducting studies for clients with regard to carbon emissions and water usage, as well as the implementation of reduction strategies. The other segment of the job entails maintaining and ensuring the integrity of the ISO 17025-certified laboratory onsite.

Sisonke Compost

Sarah comes from a nursing background, having completed a BSc from the University of Cape Town with nursing experience in South Africa and the UK. She subsequently did an Honours in Nature Conservation at Stellenbosch University and Masters in Environmental Science at London University, also becoming a Green Star SA accredited professional with the Green Building Council of SA on her return to SA in 2008.


Sarah started working with award-winning UK based Bioregional Development Group whilst overseas and at the end of 2004 began working on the One Planet Communities initiative, then in its infancy. She moved to Durban to better fulfill this role and established the environmental NPO / PBO Bioregional South Africa in 2008, dedicated to developing practical solutions for sustainable living and furthering the use of the One Planet Living framework in this country. Her work varied to include delivery of One Planet workshops, stakeholder engagement, being part of consultancy teams and advisory panels, and management of projects that used the One Planet framework e.g. enterprise development work, refurbishment / new build projects. She has twice instigated volunteer programmes in her own neighbourhood on subjects that she is passionate about e.g. anti-plastic pollution, zero waste and educating the youth about sustainability. Sisonke Compost was born out of theurgent need to divert that 40% waste fraction that is organic waste and to promote the solidarity economy to decentralize compost making. This will support more local economy, food gardens, microenterprise development and build resilience in the face of climate change.

Warwick Zero Waste Project

Tamlynn Fleetwood (PhD) is a research and evaluation specialist with extensive research, monitoring and evaluation, and project management experience. Tamlynn has post-graduate degrees in Environmental Management (BSoc Sci Hons), Human Geography (MSoc Sci) and Community Development (Post-Doc) from the University of KwaZulu-Natal (UKZN) (South Africa), as well as a Doctoral degree in Geography from Durham University (UK). Her research interests and work experience span a range of topics within the social sciences; namely, urban and environmental issues, climate justice, waste management, and informality. Tamlynn is currently the Principal Investigator and Monitoring, Evaluation and Learning Lead of an innovative zero-waste project situated in the informal Markets of Warwick (Durban) and surrounding suburbs – implemented in partnership with the eThekwini Municipality and groundWork. One of the flagship components of the project is the co-development and upscaling of an organic waste to compost project that is jointly implemented with City partners to restructure the way in which organic waste is managed in the municipality.